Adopt a Fire Hydrant

If your house is on fire, time is critical. With winter on the horizon, there's a very real possibility your neighborhood's local fire hydrant will be snowed in. Last winter, most fire hydrants throughout the town were either covered or poorly tended to. The time it would take for the fire department to dig out the hydrant can cost valuable minutes in securing a water supply. As such, the fire department requests that residents who have fire hydrants on or near their property clear it following snowfall.
Also, the borough has an "Adopt-A-Hydrant" program in place. Individuals interested in the program should call 201-967-7067 or Click Here.


This year, Fire Prevention Week runs from Sunday, Oct. 9 through Saturday, Oct. 15. Since over 75 percent of fire fatalities occur in the home, members of the New Milford Fire Department are focused upon educating residents upon how to practice fire safety in the home. 
In order to mark the week, the New Milford Fire Department will host a Fire Awareness Day on Thursday, Oct. 3 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. behind the New Milford Borough Hall. Fire prevention information will be available, along with demonstrations in fire safety for all ages.
Visit the following links for further information.

U.S. Fire Administration: Focus on Fire Safety
NFPA:Fire Prevention Week

Elvis Night

""NMFD Co. 2 will be hosting an Elvis Concert at The New Milford-Teaneck Elks Club on Friday June 10. Exact Time to be announced. Since 1979, Mike Moat's Eternally Elvis Show , a high energy, action packed re-creation of an Elvis Presley Concert, has been hailed by critics throughout the country. Often billed as "The Ultimate Elvis Show" Mike' s vocal similarities and electrifying performance satisfies even the most demanding Elvis Fan. For ticket information contact us at His website can be reached at


Due to the expected weather conditions on Thursday, October 14th Fire Awareness night has been postponed until Thursday October 21st between the hours of 6 and 9 PM, the New Milford Volunteer Fire Department’s Fire Education Committee will sponsor an annual Fire Awareness Night.  This event; held behind the borough hall;  provides an opportunity for residents and guests to interact with firefighters, and experience hands-on activities related to fire prevention, education and skills demonstration. All residents are encouraged to attend.

YOUR volunteer firefighters are not only responsible for fire suppression and keeping you safe when needed.  New Milford’s firefighters are your neighbors, and are eager to share knowledge in the prevention of fires and accidents, which helps keep everyone safe.

Although fire prevention is a yearlong activity, October is a time where we proactively show how YOU can stay safe, and eliminate the need to call us.  Although we hope the occasion never arises, we are here 24 hours a day – 7 days a week in the event anyone requires our help.



On Sunday, September 26th The New Milford Fire Department participated in a mock drill to test the response of multiple agencies to a mass casualty incident. Hosted by the New Milford Volunteer Ambulance Corps, the drill simulated a train derailment with over 40 victims. The NMFD Hazardous Materials Team mitigated a chemical leak while Engine 33 and additional manpower provided logistical support to the incident. Drills of these types help to foster a better working relationship between area towns and the multiple disciplines of the emergency services.

Photos by Brett Dzadik Article


NMFD participated in the borough's annual National Night Out. Thanks to all those who came out and made it a great success. We hope you all stopped by the NMFD table and gained some valuable fire safety information as well as getting any questions answered if interested in joining. For further questions or membership information email us at