There is still time to join us tonight for Comedy Night at Company 1

There is still time to join us tonight for Comedy Night at Company 1
On February 9th 2024, The New Milford Fire Department and their Hazmat team responded to prospect Park to a reported green substance in the water along with marine life deceased in the water. Fish and wildlife team was called in to assist. New Milford FD Hazmat team along with the Bergen County Hazmat teams were onsite for over 3 hours. The Bergen County hazmat team found the substance to be non-toxic, an as per the Department of the environmental protection. The brook was flushed so the product could be diluted.
Car 3-0 and Engines 34 took in this mutual aid job this morning in River Edge. Just before 6:40 this morning Battalion Nine companies responded to the 900 block of Poplar Ave for reported smoke in the home. Upon investigation the first arriving chiefs confirmed a fire in the basement and a working fire was transmitted. 31 Truck was requested for coverage. The fire was quickly brought under control and companies were released back to the borough.
Pictures brought to you by the REFD
We are back out at it again on River Edge road, burning that midnight oil.
Emerson Volunteer Fire Department Co. 1River Edge Volunteer Fire Department
Santa is coming to town and will bring gifts to your door in a Fire Truck.
Just after 3:30 Battalion Nine companies were dispatched to the 700 Block of Chestnut Street for a reported fire with elderly occupants attempting to evacuate the structure. The first arriving chiefs made sure the occupants were out of the home and attempted to knock the fire down with a extinguisher. Companies quickly stretched a line and checked for extension. Fire was brought under control within 15 minutes. The home was vented and turned back over to the residents. Companies operated on scene for just over an hour. Fire was determined to be started by a lithium ion battery on the nightstand
Battalion Nine companies responded to Oradell yesterday just after 3:30 for a reported detached garage fire. Upon arrival companies found smoke and fire coming from the garage located at the rear of the home. New Milford units operated on scene for an hour before being released back to the Borough.
he NMFD kept busy answering alarms, a mutual aid ladder request, a mutual aid fire and this outside fire yesterday.
Companies responded to Cypress St. early afternoon yesterday for a reported outside fire. A commercial style hair dryer was found to be on fire outside the rear of the house. The caller noticed the fire and threw the unit out of the window. The home was vented and turned over to the homeowner.
Companies responded to the Boulevard today in the area of Cedar rd. for another rollover with reported entrapment. While responding dispatch advised inbound units that all parties were out of the vehicles. 31 Truck, Engine 32 along with Squad 36 made both vehicles safe and waited for the tow company to upright the vehicle. The driver was transported to a local hospital by Holy Name EMS with non-life threatening injuries.
#AnytimeAnywhere #NMFD #BattalionNine
NOVEMBER 18, 2023
From yesterday afternoon’s brush fire to last night’s vehicle extrication, we do it all.
Are you interested in making a difference in your community? Stop down at one of our firehouses.
Company 1 249 Center Street Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30
Company 2 680 Trenton Street Thursday nights 7:30-9:30