Earlier this evening our members along with the New Milford Police Department were alerted to the 400 block of River Rd for a reported car vs building. Car 30 was the first arriving chief, established command and confirmed 1 Tesla protruding half way into a residential structure with a party trapped in the vehicle. Companies arrived on scene shortly after and started to stabilize the vehicle and stretch lines. Squad 36 used a winch along with shoring from Tower 31 to prevent the vehicle from falling into the structure any further. The regionals UASI Team was requested which brought specialized equipment from Hackensack, Paterson and North Hudson due to the building being unstable. A plan beteeen agencies was established to stabilize the vehicle, the home, extricate the trapped party and remove the vehicle from the home. Soon after the patient was removed from the vehicle after using rescue tools to remove the door and was placed in the care of Holy Name EMS. Companies worked along with a local tow to remove the vehicle from the structure and the utilities were secured. Units operated on scene for under 3 hours before becoming available.