CPR Certification at Fire CO1.

Full house last week at Company 1. During last weeks drill members from Company 1 participated in their biennial CPR recertification class and test. Members demonstrated how to successfully apply CPR to adults, children and infants. The use of our AED (automated external defibrillators) and how to check for choking.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is one of our most important tools in our arsenal. We don’t just train on it for our own safety but the residents of New Milford or any call we may come up on.

Back during late 2017 it was applied to one of our own who suffered a medical emergency while in route to a routine call. The quick thinking of our members along with this training helped prolong this members life.

Still thinking about joining but don’t know where to do it? Or are you looking for free training, great food, good laughs and a brotherhood like no other then look no further! Come down to one of our stations!

Company No. 1 249 Center St. on Tuesday nights

Company No. 2 680 Trenton St. on Thursday nights

New Milford FD responds to a multi Alarm Fire.

Over the weekend Truck Co. 31, Engine Co. 34 and the Chiefs responded to our neighboring town River Edge. Engine 34 was the second due engine company laying over 900 feet of 5” to supply 3 hand lines and the ladder pipe of Hackensack Ladder 1. Truck 31 arrived quickly after and stretched additional lines to help combat the well involved structure. During fire operations the structure partially collapsed. No injuries were reported and companies operated on scene for over 4 hours before returning to the borough.

New Milford Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshall

During our parade today make sure you thank Grand Marshall, Petty Officer First Class and firefighter Paul Stucke for his dedicated service to our nation and the borough of New Milford.

Firefighter Stucke is a 58 year member of the New Milford Fire Department. Paul has more time on our department then most of members have on this earth.

Thank you Paul for your unselfishly service. Here’s to another 58! God bless!

Special thanks to the River Edge Fire Department and Chief Gregg Cariddi for the escort of the antique.

New Milford FD supports the town Department of Public Works

Recycling pick up to flushing the toilet. Driving to the store to cleaning up after a major storm. It’s easy to take these things for granted, thanks to our Department of Public Works.

This week is National Public Works appreciation week. So we would like to call attention to the New Milford Public Works not just this week but every day. The Department of Public Works is what keeps not just our department running by maintaining our department’s fleet (including our 30+ year old engine) but they are what keeps this community clean and safe.

So if you see a Public Works employee please thank them for all of their hard work and dedication to our Borough.

Public Works week May 21 through 27, 2023

New Milford FD responds to a Motor vehicle accident

Just after midnight companies were alerted for an odor of gas on the Boulevard with a party feeling ill, at the same time a second call for service came in for a MVC with a rollover on New Bridge Rd.

Chief 302, Engine co. 32 and Engine co. 33 handled the odor of gas. The building was checked with meters and the patient was evaluated by Holy Name Ems.

Chief 3-0, 301, Engine co. 34 handled the single car MVC. The only party in the vehicle self extricated and was evaluated by Holy Name EMS. Fd units waited on scene until the vehicle was up righted by a local tow company.

New Milford FD CO1. Junior Firefighters

If you are interested in becoming a Junior firefighter, Please contact the New Milford Fire Department C01. You will have the opportunity for training, participate is some of the company drills. Learn from the experienced firefighters. If you are between the ages of 14 & 18 then please contact New Milford Fire Department C01.

New Milford Fire Department House Fire

Just before 6:20 this evening our department was alerted to a reported fire on the side of a home on Holly Street. Deputy 2 was first arriving and confirmed the fire on the alapha delta corner extending into the attic and requested the working fire assignment. Engine 32 was the first arriving engine company and quickly stretched 2 lines to the fire. Tower 31 started searching for victims. An additional alarm was transmitted at 6:25 to bring more resources to the scene. There were no injuries and the fire was placed under control just after 7:00.

A special thank you to all our mutual aid for the help at our fire today.

New Milford Fire Department responds to a Rollover MVA

This morning just after 9:00 the department was dispatched to the area of River Rd and New Bridge Rd for a vehicle on its side with one party injured. The patient was prepped and packaged, turned over to Holy Name EMS and transported to a local hospital with minor injuries. Units operated on scene for under 30 minutes.

New Milford NJ Volunteer Fire Department is in Oradell

New Milford Fire Department along with our Triboro brothers and mutual aid stand side by side while attending the homecoming of fallen Army Sgt. David Solinas Jr. Our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Sgt. Solinas.

31 Truck and Rive Edge ladder 1 can be seen in the background presenting the American flag over Kinderkamack rd.

New Milford Departmental Breakfast & Company Drill. CO. 1 & CO. 2

Members of both Fire Companies attended a departmental breakfast at CO. 1. Following was a Departmental drill which included the use of a house scheduled to be torn down. The drill consisted of roof and exterior ventilations. Also interior attack line operations with search and rescue procedures, in order to locate the source of the fire.

The Junior Firefighters participated in this drill to further there understanding and education of the Fire Service.