Members of NMFD CO.1 had a company training drill at Dorchester Pond. They set up 2 types of water drafting techniques. One was from there Pumper Engine. The other technique is a portable pump they use on there water rescue boat. Both techniques can be used for different fire fighting applications
Tower 31 responded last evening to the township of Teaneck to assist their department while they were battling a multiple alarm brush fire in the area of the turnpike.
Earlier this evening our members along with the New Milford Police Department were alerted to the 400 block of River Rd for a reported car vs building. Car 30 was the first arriving chief, established command and confirmed 1 Tesla protruding half way into a residential structure with a party trapped in the vehicle. Companies arrived on scene shortly after and started to stabilize the vehicle and stretch lines. Squad 36 used a winch along with shoring from Tower 31 to prevent the vehicle from falling into the structure any further. The regionals UASI Team was requested which brought specialized equipment from Hackensack, Paterson and North Hudson due to the building being unstable. A plan beteeen agencies was established to stabilize the vehicle, the home, extricate the trapped party and remove the vehicle from the home. Soon after the patient was removed from the vehicle after using rescue tools to remove the door and was placed in the care of Holy Name EMS. Companies worked along with a local tow to remove the vehicle from the structure and the utilities were secured. Units operated on scene for under 3 hours before becoming available.
Members of the New Milford FD CO1 were called for standby at Carlstadt joined by Wyckoff, Waldwick, and Midland Park. Carlstadt FD attended the funeral honoring one of their brother firefighters of Past Chief and Fire Marshall, Bobby Moore.
Our Water Rescue team was at work tonight making last minute preparation ahead of the Noreaster heading our direction. If the road is flooded please turn around don’t drown.
Just around 2:15am while most of you were sleeping, our members were leaving their beds to battle the single digits and high winds at a motor vehicle accident with a party pinned in the vehicle.
The crash occurred just east of New Bridge and Boulevard that left a debris field of well over a 100ft in both directions. Chief 301 arrived on scene and confirmed 1 party still trapped in the vehicle with both vehicles off the roadway. Command advised inbound companies when they arrived on scene the tools were going to work and to stretch a precautionary line. The patient was successfully extricated, packaged and turned over to Holy Name EMS. The vehicles were so badly damaged that two tow trucks had to physically winch the cars apart. Units operated on scene for 1 one hour.
While operating at the crash scene we were alerted to a additional call for service on Jordan rd. which 31 Truck and Dumont Fire Department handled.
The department was alerted by Central Dispatch to a reported electrical fire in a home last night. Upon investigation by the first arriving companies it was reported the fire was out with a smoke condition inside. Companies found an electrical cord to a space heater that had been cut and taped back together to be the origin of the fire. The room was checked for extension on thermal imaging cameras, the area was wet down and the home was vented. Owners were back in their residence within the hour.
At this time we’d like to talk a little bit about fire saftey especially during the colder months.
Did you know there are approximately 45,000 electrical fires in homes a year, half of them being during the months of December, January and February. Here are some quick tips you can take to help prevent electrical fires.
When using a heating source such as a space heater plug the unit directly into an outlet not a extension cord.
Only plug one heater in per outlet.
Make sure the space heater is at least 3 feet from anything that can turn into a source for fuel to a fire.
Do not overload outlets extension cords or surge protectors.